WA Government delivers $2 million for veterans and their families

11 November 2023

The State Government remains committed to veterans, delivering certainty of funding to programs that improve the lives of the Western Australian veteran community.

  • Ex-service organisations to share in over $1.6 million through the Anzac Day Trust Grants program
  • The grants include funding for an employment program that aims to utilise the skills and knowledge service men and women have acquired
  • The WA Government has also allocated over $400,000 to establish a local capacity to train psychiatric assistance dogs

The State Government remains committed to veterans, delivering certainty of funding to programs that improve the lives of the Western Australian veteran community.

Seven community organisations have shared in grants worth a total of $1,655,880 aimed at assisting and improving the lives of veterans and their families.

The largest grant of $623,595 went towards funding the Veterans Employment Program, a partnership between Working Spirit and the Returned and Services League (RSLWA).

The program delivers employment services for veterans and their families and has already exceeded the benchmarks set for 2023.

The Royal Australian Air Force Association of Western Australia will receive a grant of $374,813 to help further fund the development of the Andrew Russell Veteran Living Program, which delivers accommodation and supporting services for WA veterans suffering homelessness.

Legacy WA will use its $380,262 grant to continue three programs designed to assist hundreds of veterans and their families, widows and children who have lost a parent.

Separately from the Anzac Day Trust Grants Program, $430,000 has been allocated to deliver a home-grown capacity to train psychiatric assistance dogs.

The RSLWA has partnered with Kaizen K9 Training to train the animals in the State.

Psychiatric assistance dogs have proved their capacity to provide significant therapeutic benefit to those suffering with Post Traumatic Stress. This program aimed at veterans will ultimately benefit the broader community.

Comments Attributed to Veterans Issues Minister Paul Papalia:

"Today on Remembrance Day the WA Government continues its commitment to the proud members of our veteran community.

"This marks the third year of the significantly expanded Anzac Day Trust Grants program, and we are starting to see the impacts this is having on the lives of our veterans and their families.

"It is important to never forget the sacrifices our service men and women make and it is programs such as this which ensure they receive the assistance they deserve."


Successful Anzac Day Trust Grants Programs 2023  


1.      RSLWA / Working Spirit (Veterans Transition Program)


2.      Legacy WA


3.      Battle of Crete Memorial Committee


4.      Andrew Russell Veteran Living Program


5.      WA Naval Museum


6.      Veterans Transition Centre – Jarrahdale


7.      Sailing On


WA Government Election Commitment  


1.      RSLWA/Kaizen


